Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Travel The Road: The Best Show You May Never See

Last night a friend brought me a DVD that I had given to another friend to check out almost a year ago. After the first friend's dog ate the DVD case, that friend gave the disc to yet another friend who then kept the disc for 8 months. The last friend in the chain finally went over to the second friend's house, picked up the DVD and brought it back to me, chewed-up case in all.

I had actually never watched the DVD. I had watched episodes of the TV show that were on the DVD, but I'd never actually seen the content of that disc, which contained the first 3 episodes of a TV show called Travel the Road. Today after work I watched the first episode. I was blown away. It is the best program on television. It is the best program on television. Find out where and when Travel the Road plays in your area (on my cable system it comes on a crazy religious network at 1am), if you have Tivo, Tivo it, if you can stay up, watch it. This show is amazing for so many reasons, the story, the photography, the adventure, the passion behind it all, and the message.

Travel the Road is the product of these two men (among others):

Timothy Scott:

And William Decker:

For more information, visit Travel the Road's Website, found here.