Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Caught In The Moment: Zeal Disguised as Admiration

There is a new show on Animal Planet called Caught In The Moment, and it is fantastic. It hearkens back to the days of classic National Geographic nature documentaries, or the sort that were mastered in the 1980s and have since fallen by the wayside in favor of assembly line homogenous garbage with "Extreme!" in the title. The difference in this particular show is that it is a behind the scenes look at the "making of" process of classic nature-doc filmmaking.

The two hosts are Tristan Bayer and Vanessa Garnick, both gorgeous, environmentally conscious "Green" travelers and filmmakers. What's funny is that these young filmmakers are of my generation (early 80's babies) and thus they talk and act and think in a similar way to my own MTV generation. They say "like" a little too much, and use "awesome" as their adjective of choice, but they don't shy away from genuine emotional outpouring at the majesty of natural creation. I've only seen one episode, but the show holds great promise as a refuge from the current trend of mindless fodder disguised as "nature-loving" entertainment.
If it takes gorgeous people to get a new generation to be passionate about conservation, then that's what it takes, but these two are the real deal.


ammu said...

Wow...that's really cool. Will check out the show soon.

12:35 AM
Sara said...

okay... seriously. this is a great post. this is what i want to be a part of! I want to document and travel and photograph, write. geez. when would you like to leave?

1:56 PM