Thursday, October 12, 2006

Jackass Number 2, and the Greater Filmmaking Implications

I watched Jackass Number 2 the other night with a friend who I hadn't seen in a long time. I laughed uncontrollably throughout most of the movie even though deep-down I knew that the Jackass guys were taking it too far. I value that kind of self-expression, however, I'm a little fearful of how far the envelope is being pushed. I just as much enjoy seeing guys race down a hill on giant blocks of ice, as I do any stunt they pull, however, seeing a guy get blind-sided by an explosive balloon and nearly blinded for life is over-the-top and unnecessary. If you are a girl, don't go see the new Jackass movie, I can't imagine that you'd find it remotely interesting. But if you are a guy and you've never seen the CKY movies, look them up on Youtube, it's pretty interesting to see the evolution of these guy's filmmaking.